TSplus Server Monitoring Changelog
- Volume Licensing: added commands to display remaining credits
- Fixed adding of new website to monitor, which required service restart
- Fixed exception in websites dashboard
- (2024/03/18) Database connection settings can now be edited through the UI
- (2024/04/15) Updated translations
- (2023/07/17) Improved navigation performances
- (2023/07/17) Updated Chinese translations
- (2024/08/12) Migrating Teams notifications, using Power Automate rather than Office 365 connectors (deprecated)
- (2024/11/??) Volume Licensing: added commands to display remaining credits
- Removed useless references
- Fixed editing alias of servers, not working in specific cases
- (2024/04/04) Fixed "User attendance" report file missing
- (2024/04/15) Fixed agents failing to send data due to timestamp error
- (2024/04/15) Fixed servers wrongly appearing as down, when agent has too large data to send (e.g: 50 users with 50 processes monitored on one server)
- (2024/04/15) During updates, old and unused versions of dlls and translations resources are now deleted from disk
- (2024/04/23) Fixed e-mail configuration failing when using Office365 SMTP server
- (2024/08/12) Fixed website infos being reset just after edition
- (2024/09/??) Fixed adding of new website to monitor, which required service restart
- Server Monitoring can now monitor Linux servers
- Improved navigation performances
- (2023/06/16) Licensing: added rehost date in licence status for rehosted computers
- (2023/08/17) Added new setting: user can define a pin code, which is asked before ServerMonitoring launch
- (2023/09/26) Email alerts: Subject of e-mail contains server alias if he has one
- (2023/10/24) MS Teams alerts: a custom icon can be set for alert ending messages
- (2023/10/24) Improved database queries performance
- (2023/10/24) When new update is available, a changelog button appears
- (2023/11/28) Updated Chinese translations
- Fixed UI crash happening in some cases when launching an update
- Fixed crash during agent setup, on Windows servers having .NET version 4.6.x installed
- (2023/05/10) Server dashboards and server edition: fixed issues occurring in case of several servers having same name
- (2023/05/10) Server edition: Alias field is no more required to validate
- (2023/05/10) Server edition: added missing translations
- (2023/05/10) Fixed exceptions in collecting processes usage in monitored servers
- (2023/06/16) Linux agent: Fixed log file limited to 10Mb. Now rolling files are used.
- (2023/06/16) Setup: Fixed SQL Server Express failing to install in some cases
- (2023/06/16) Update: Fixed custom database information overriden by default values
- (2023/06/16) Report exporting: Fixed emails not being sent when receiver emails were separated by carriage returns
- (2023/08/03) Fixed database becoming unreachable after updating
- (2023/08/31) Fixed "User attendance" report emailing
- (2023/08/31) Fixed translation files format issue
- (2023/09/26) Email alerts: Fixed issue in sending some alert emails
- (2023/10/24) ServerMonitoring.Service: improved database query performance which could lead to service crash at launch
- (2023/10/24) Fixed empty listviews not displaying default message anymore
- (2023/10/24) Fixed exception displaying when no website is configured and customer tries to access to the websites dashboard
- (2023/10/24) Database almost full: more regular database cleaning
- (2023/10/24) Report scheduling: fixed schedules being overwritten
- (2023/10/31) Report scheduling: fixed wrong datetime UTC conversion and enabling/disabling schedules
- (2023/10/31) Fixed exception when blacklisting/whitelisting processes
- (2023/01/26) Updated Chinese translations
- (2023/01/26) Updated blacklisted processes
- (2023/02/06) Custom setup: user can choose another database name
- (2023/02/06) Custom setup: user can now specify a remote SQL Server instance for database
- (2023/02/20) Setup: technical improvements
- (2023/03/01) Improved English translations
- (2023/03/01) Setup: added Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Arabic and Farsi translations
- (2023/01/09) When starting the software, if database is not reachable, a warning message is displaying and menus are disabled, instead of errors when trying to access those menus
- (2023/01/09) Fixed reports scheduling time, which was not saved in UTC format
- (2023/01/26) Fixed database connection appearing broken, because of a too strict timeout
- (2023/02/06) Server Monitoring now can be launched by every user (not only the one who did the install)
- (2023/03/08) Fixed Windows logo
- (2023/03/08) Increased timeout for SQL Server instance restart
- (2023/03/08) Fixed UI of MS Teams notification settings
- (2023/03/28) Fixed application not restarting when language is changed
- (2023/03/28) Fixed application crash, when scrolling just after starting the application
- (2022/06/14) Added persistence in report page settings and export options
- (2022/06/14) Report previewing: improved loading performances and memory consumption
- (2022/06/29) Added a way to aggregate an zip logs and useful infos, to send to support when customer needs to
- (2022/07/11) Reports: Added "in range/not in range" filters
- (2022/07/25) Alerts notifications: Added Toast notifications, enabled by default
- (2022/08/16) Alerts administration: when new alerts are created (manually, or automatically after adding a new server or website), it aggregates the new alert with similar ones, if there are any
- (2022/09/07) Websites: Added support for mutual authentication certificates
- (2022/10/04) Agent: improved performance and CPU consumption during process usage data collection
- (2022/10/05) Improved navigation performances
- (2022/10/17) Improved User presence dashboard, when a lot of users are connected
- (2022/10/26) Volume Licensing: added /renewsupport command to extend existing support
- (2022/10/26) Database auto-cleaning: user can use new thresholds to remove data (size of database in Gb or in %, age of data)
- (2022/06/07) Setup: for servers with already existing SQL Server instance(s), ServerMonitoring install, with its own SQL Server instance, is now possible
- (2022/06/07) Alerts: fixed error when user removes an alert which has been triggered one time at least
- (2022/06/14) Report emailing: fixed issue with reports not generated when using a custom database
- (2022/07/11) Setup: fixed update not working in case .Net Core version installed was greater than 3.1
- (2022/07/13) Alerts: Website response times / website down times / server down times are now checked through the service, even if ServerMonitoring application is not launched
- (2022/07/13) Server dashboards: fixed connected users not all displaying
- (2022/07/26) Database: auto-cleaning when database is almost full, is enabled by default after setup
- (2022/07/27) Database: improved performances of auto-cleaning database, so that it does not timeout
- (2022/07/28) Alerts: fixed sending emails which did not work on certain configurations
- (2022/07/28) Alert administration: fixed 'email receivers' field which did not accept several receivers
- (2022/08/16) Fixed exception occurring some times when changing language
- (2022/08/16) Setup: added shortcut in start menu
- (2022/08/16) Home: if last version number cannot be requested, it is clearly displayed
- (2022/08/24) Report customization: fixed exception, when cancelling custom report save
- (2022/09/07) Report emailing: fixed data grids which only showed totals on some reports
- (2022/09/13) Report emailing: added support for untrusted certificate on SMTP server (SmtpAllowUntrustedCertificate setting)
- (2022/10/04) User presence report: fixed session start and end times, which where displayed in UTC instead of local time
- (2022/10/17) Fixed process usage, which was not collected in some cases
- TSplus Server Monitoring launch
- Remote servers monitoring
- Websites monitoring
- Reports displaying, exporting and scheduling
- Customizable reports
- Server and website health alerts
- (2022/03/15) Added persistence in gridviews customizations (filtering, sorting, grouping)
- (2022/03/24) Added polish and russian translations
- (2022/03/24) Improved navigation performances
- (2022/03/31) Improved database's disk usage
- (2022/03/31) Windows 11 OS: forms now have rounded corners
- (2022/04/04) Settings: users can now blacklist processes they do not want to monitor
- (2022/04/05) Settings: added a confirmation message when SMTP settings are saved
- (2022/04/06) Improved the initial list of blacklisted processes
- (2022/04/11) Settings: database size can be seen
- (2022/04/11) SQL Server Express users: display of % usage of database and configuring an alert for this is now possible
- (2022/04/18) Reports: improved various UI elements
- (2022/04/18) Updated french and chinese translations
- (2022/04/20) Reports: improved user presence reports
- (2022/04/25) Reports: contents are localized (english and french)
- (2022/04/26) Alerts administration: added labels to distinguish server alerts and website alerts
- (2022/04/26) Reports: improved "Website responses" report
- (2022/04/27) Reports: "Concurrent sessions" report now displays sum of concurrent sessions
- (2022/05/02) Settings: it is now possible to clean database from data related to newly blacklisted processes
- (2022/05/04) Database: disk usage is now tracked only one time per hour instead of every 30 seconds
- (2022/05/04) Database: Auto-removal of oldest datas if database full at more than 95%. Enabled by default, can be disabled in Settings > Database
- (2022/05/10) Alerts administration: For each alert, user can choose to enable/disable alerts sent by email/Microsoft Teams/Windows notification
- (2022/05/10) Alerts: user can set an incoming webhook for a MS Teams channel, and receive alerts here. Disabled by default, it can be enabled in Settings > MS Teams notifications
- (2022/06/01) Updated Chinese translations
- (2022/03/15) Fixed MessageBoxes and some translations
- (2022/03/15) Fixed display of license in status bar (servers/websites instead of users)
- (2022/03/21) Example website does not count any longer in license limits
- (2022/03/21) Fixed database errors ponctually happening when monitoring websites
- (2022/03/21) Fixed website URI format exceptions, which were not handled
- (2022/03/23) Fixed date filters on reports, which were not applied instantly after change
- (2022/03/23) Website availability report: fixed chart, which was ordered by descending date instead of ascending
- (2022/03/28) Setup: better recognition of SQL Server being already installed or not
- (2022/04/04) Setup/Update: timeout is set higher for long database operations
- (2022/04/04) Fixed "Enable/Disable troubleshooting mode" tile text, which was not correct
- (2022/04/05) Settings: SMTP password is now encrypted
- (2022/04/11) Report Preview: fixed "Print Dialog" crash when more than one instance of a preview is used
- (2022/04/11) Report Preview: fixed incorrect rendering when using DirectX
- (2022/04/11) Reports: start date's time is set at 0:00 and end date's time is set at 23:59
- (2022/04/11) Fixed high memory consumption by ServerMonitoring Data Service occurring on some machines
- (2022/04/18) Fixed flickering on reports preview, for systems not supporting DirectX 11
- (2022/04/18) SMTP Settings: added missing field (e-mail address of the sender)
- (2022/04/18) Application usage reports: blacklisted processes do not appear anymore on these reports
- (2022/04/18) Report scheduling: Edit and Remove buttons are now disabled if no report scheduling already exists
- (2022/04/18) Report Preview: fixed hourly data which was displayed in UTC instead of local time
- (2022/04/19) Report alerts: fixed MimeKit.Utils.CharsetUtils exception when sending mails.
- (2022/04/20) Generating and previewing reports has increased timeout
- (2022/04/21) Agents failing to join main server do not stay in Running state anymore and now retry later to join
- (2022/04/27) Report designer: fixed displaying issue occurring when opening twice the report designer on the same report
- (2022/04/28) Report designer: fixed filtering on custom reports, which was overriden
- (2022/04/28) Reports: fixed missing translations
- (2022/05/04) Settings: fixed not responsive UI
- (2022/05/09) Fixed sending data frequency for server performances and process usage: from 1 data per hour to 1 data per 30 seconds
- (2022/05/16) Setup: in some cases, agent could not find the broker during the install
- (2022/05/16) Website dashboard: fixed Website performances dashboard, which was not displayed anymore
- (2022/05/27) Setup: fixed custom database settings not displaying
- (2022/06/01) Alerts: fixed server alerts history, which now traces end time of alerts. As a result, an alert notification is not sent everytime threshold is crossed, but just at the beginning and end of alert
- (2022/06/02) Reports: fixed blank columns issue
- (2022/06/07) Setup: for servers with already existing SQL Server instance(s), ServerMonitoring install, with its own SQL Server instance, is now possible